January 2020 |
Say hello to Bravo!! Bravo is a 15 year old Chihuahua who was adopted by his mommy in Hales Corner, WI from a pet store. When she went in to buy fish food, mommy came out with her first puppy instead and he's never left her side since! Bravo has been coming to Animal Hospital for about 6 months now and appreciates the staff and his doctor because he's received life changing treatment. Mom likes to say, "Agressive treatment has saved Bravo's life!" His favorite activity to do is go on his daily walks. Mom says he's got an addiction, he's a "walk-o-holic." When he's the BEST behaved boy, he gets spoiled with some bacon. Shhh.. Don't tell the doctor! Bravo is very special because in his younger and wilder days, he would travel. He has gone to witness the White House in Washington, CA and has even been to Hollywood to see Lassie's star on the Walk of Fame! Talk about checking things off his bucket list, right?! Thank you, Bravo, for being our pet of the month! |
December 2019 |
Say hello to Mac!! Mac is a 7 year old Chihuahua who was adopted from outside of the Fairfield Target for the low low price of only $50, in the summer of 2012. LOL! Mom says Mac was her daughter's replacement because she was going off for college at the time. He has been coming to Animal Hospital since he was a young pup at 5 weeks old and knows when he's here because he recognizes the parking lot. Mac's family says he is a special boy because he is intelligent and can learn new tricks even at 7 years old! Not to mention, he is also a handsome stud! His favorite activity to do at home is to sun bathe near his family's pool during the hot season. On his down time, he also enjoys munching on his favorite treat: animal crackers! PSA: Don't forget to follow his Instagram @macanthonyroni Thank you, Mac, for being our pet of the month! |
November 2019
Say hello to Munchies!!
Munchies is a 2 year old American (Pocket) Bully who came all the way from Stockton, CA and has been coming to Animal Hospital since August of 2018! He enjoys coming to the hospital because he is comfortable with the staff and he always gets so much love! Munchies is truly a blessing to his pet parents and is the sweetest, most loving furbaby in every way. His favorite activity to do at home is play with his toys and go for walks. On his down time, he also enjoys munching on his favorite treat: Dream Bones! Thank you, Munchies, for being our pet of the month! |
May 2019

Say hello to Calvin, Hobbs, and Charlotte our May Pets of the Month!!
These beautiful boys and girl have been coming to AHF for most of their lovely lives, Calvin and Hobbs for almost nine years and Charlotte for six months of her young beautiful life. Calvin and Hobbs are litter mates and have learned how to be the best big brothers to little Charlotte. This amazing Shih Tzu trio have become favorites among our furry friends because of their adorable nature and all of their incredibly sweet personalities!
Charlotte, Calvin, and Hobbs love to meet new people and play with every one who gives them cuddles. If you ever see this trio around the hospital, make sure to keep an eye out for Charlotte's colorful hair bows that she loves to wear and looks so cute in. When they're at home they love to snack on eggs and really anything else that their family feeds them. This bunch is easy to please and easy to love!
We're very glad to have these adorable kids as our clients, our furry friends, and our May Pets of the Month!
These beautiful boys and girl have been coming to AHF for most of their lovely lives, Calvin and Hobbs for almost nine years and Charlotte for six months of her young beautiful life. Calvin and Hobbs are litter mates and have learned how to be the best big brothers to little Charlotte. This amazing Shih Tzu trio have become favorites among our furry friends because of their adorable nature and all of their incredibly sweet personalities!
Charlotte, Calvin, and Hobbs love to meet new people and play with every one who gives them cuddles. If you ever see this trio around the hospital, make sure to keep an eye out for Charlotte's colorful hair bows that she loves to wear and looks so cute in. When they're at home they love to snack on eggs and really anything else that their family feeds them. This bunch is easy to please and easy to love!
We're very glad to have these adorable kids as our clients, our furry friends, and our May Pets of the Month!
April 2019

Say hello to Jazzy, our April Pet of the Month!! Jazzy is a 17 year old Domestic Longhair who has been coming to Animal Hospital for most of her long, loving life. This little old lady loves coming to AHF for her annual visits because of all the attention and cuddles she's bound to get from the whole staff. Jazzy is a beautiful girl whose long fur coat is sure to put even most successful hair models to shame!
Jazzy is a very content and calm little miss, who loves her long catnaps and watching her family play around her even if she isn't playing with them. Though she may be much older than some of her peers, with her age comes more beauty and wisdom for life's little pleasures. Jazzy's favorite little pleasure is catnip!
We're very glad to have had such a gorgeous girl as such a long time client, and we're even more lucky to have her as our April 2019 Pet of the Month.
Jazzy is a very content and calm little miss, who loves her long catnaps and watching her family play around her even if she isn't playing with them. Though she may be much older than some of her peers, with her age comes more beauty and wisdom for life's little pleasures. Jazzy's favorite little pleasure is catnip!
We're very glad to have had such a gorgeous girl as such a long time client, and we're even more lucky to have her as our April 2019 Pet of the Month.
March 2019

Say hello to Treyu, our March Pet of the Month!! Treyu is an 8-year-old American Bandogge Mastiff who has been coming to Animal Hospital for almost a full year with his whole family. This big beautiful boy has found a place in the hearts of all the AHF staff members for his easy going personality and his abundance of kisses. His mom thinks that sometimes he gets nervous coming to the doctor’s office, but once he’s inside and sees all of his friends, he relaxes just fine because he knows he is loved.
Treyu is a very special boy, who doesn’t let his size—153lbs of pure love—stop him from being the best lap dog on the planet! His whole family knows that whatever they are doing, Treyu will be right beside them to help and cuddle them along the way. He especially love’s being his mom’s shadow and taking up most of her bed every night, but she doesn’t mind! Treyu’s family originally adopted him on somewhat of a whim, but have since resolved that adding this beautiful man to their family was one of the best decisions they’ve ever made.
Treyu has had a trying few months medically recently, but we are so glad he is feeling better; and we are even happier that he is our March Pet of the Month!!
Treyu is a very special boy, who doesn’t let his size—153lbs of pure love—stop him from being the best lap dog on the planet! His whole family knows that whatever they are doing, Treyu will be right beside them to help and cuddle them along the way. He especially love’s being his mom’s shadow and taking up most of her bed every night, but she doesn’t mind! Treyu’s family originally adopted him on somewhat of a whim, but have since resolved that adding this beautiful man to their family was one of the best decisions they’ve ever made.
Treyu has had a trying few months medically recently, but we are so glad he is feeling better; and we are even happier that he is our March Pet of the Month!!
February 2019

Say hello to Pinto, our February Pet of the Month! Pinto is a one year old Chihuahua who has been coming to Animal Hospital for almost a full year. This handsome young man has made many friends at AHF not only because of how sweet he is to everyone, but also because of his extremely unique markings. This special boy also loves to dress up in the cutest outfits that always brighten everyone's day!
Pinto is a very happy and curious boy who loves to hang out with his furry friends whenever he sees them, but especially loves park trips. Though he may be small, Pinto loves any new friends he meets, whether they are kids or other animals, big or small! Pinto's family rescued him from the Vallejo Humane Society last year and are so glad he has become such a perfect part of their family.
Pinto is one of our sweetest and most unique little boys, and we are always so glad to see him in whatever new outfit he arrives in. Thanks for being the perfect boy for our February Pet of the Month, Pinto!!
Pinto is a very happy and curious boy who loves to hang out with his furry friends whenever he sees them, but especially loves park trips. Though he may be small, Pinto loves any new friends he meets, whether they are kids or other animals, big or small! Pinto's family rescued him from the Vallejo Humane Society last year and are so glad he has become such a perfect part of their family.
Pinto is one of our sweetest and most unique little boys, and we are always so glad to see him in whatever new outfit he arrives in. Thanks for being the perfect boy for our February Pet of the Month, Pinto!!
January 2019

Say hello to Pechan, our January Pet of the Month!! Pechan is a seven month old Domestic Short hair kitten who has been coming to Animal Hospital since his family adopted him last year. This kitten was never a shy boy at the hospital; his mom thinks it may be because he loves the Feliway towels so much and is a big fan of all the cuddles he gets from his favorite technicians!
Pechan is a very sweet and special boy who, unlike most cats, actually loves going on leashed walks and taking showers with his family. His brave and curious spirit make him a perfect fit for his family. Pechan's family says that his favorite treats seem to be anything shaped like a stick that he can carry around in his mouth, and that he loves to bite on and play with blankets when he's not looking out the window wondering about new places that he can explore!
Pechan may be new to his family, but they already love him so much and we are so excited to get to know him even better in the years to come! Thanks for being such a great boy and our perfect January Pet of the Month, Pechan!!
Pechan is a very sweet and special boy who, unlike most cats, actually loves going on leashed walks and taking showers with his family. His brave and curious spirit make him a perfect fit for his family. Pechan's family says that his favorite treats seem to be anything shaped like a stick that he can carry around in his mouth, and that he loves to bite on and play with blankets when he's not looking out the window wondering about new places that he can explore!
Pechan may be new to his family, but they already love him so much and we are so excited to get to know him even better in the years to come! Thanks for being such a great boy and our perfect January Pet of the Month, Pechan!!
December 2018

Say hello to Simba, our December Pet of the Month!! Simba is an 8 year old miniature pinscher who has been coming to Animal Hospital for almost everything you can think of since 2015. His mom thinks that he especially loves being able to "flirt" with all of his lady friends at the clinic; his mom has deemed him somewhat of a stud muffin, even when he is scared!
Simba is a very sweet and loyal boy, who doesn't let his small size stop him from trying to protect his family. He is always able to keep a brave face for his family, even when his visits aren't so fun. And he makes sure to put a smile on every one's faces by tap dancing for his treats or being a cuddle bug at just the right time. Simba stole the heart of his dad in a Washington pet store when he was just 6 weeks old, and we are so glad that he did so that we could meet this sweet little boy.
Simba is one of our favorite frequent flyers and we are so grateful to have him as our December Pet of the Month!!
Simba is a very sweet and loyal boy, who doesn't let his small size stop him from trying to protect his family. He is always able to keep a brave face for his family, even when his visits aren't so fun. And he makes sure to put a smile on every one's faces by tap dancing for his treats or being a cuddle bug at just the right time. Simba stole the heart of his dad in a Washington pet store when he was just 6 weeks old, and we are so glad that he did so that we could meet this sweet little boy.
Simba is one of our favorite frequent flyers and we are so grateful to have him as our December Pet of the Month!!
November 2018

Say hello to Sammy, our November Pet of the Month!! Sammy is a 9 year old beautiful brindle pitbull. Our pitty friend has been coming to Animal Hospital for over 2 years, and loves how many friends he's made. His mom thinks that sometimes he gets scared at the doctor's office, and is grateful for how nice and welcoming everyone is to make him feel better!
Sammy is a very friendly boy, who loves meeting new people and animals. He has opened his home and his heart to many foster pups throughout the years with his family, and could not be a better big brother! Sammy's favorite treats are Hills K/D treats, and he makes sure to snack on a few at every visit. In his spare time Sammy loves swimming with his brother Junior and going on long car rides!
Sammy is an incredibly sweet boy and we are so thankful to have him for our November Pet of the Month!!
Sammy is a very friendly boy, who loves meeting new people and animals. He has opened his home and his heart to many foster pups throughout the years with his family, and could not be a better big brother! Sammy's favorite treats are Hills K/D treats, and he makes sure to snack on a few at every visit. In his spare time Sammy loves swimming with his brother Junior and going on long car rides!
Sammy is an incredibly sweet boy and we are so thankful to have him for our November Pet of the Month!!
October 2018

Say hello to Moosh, our October Pet of the Month!! Moosh is a 10 month old Mini Scottish Fold. Our kitten friend has been coming to Animal Hospital for 9 months since his family adopted him, and loves all of the belly rubs and special cuddles he gets from his friends on the staff!
Moosh is a very friendly and cuddly boy, who loves meeting new people and children. His small size also allows him to jump around like a bunny which his owner thinks is one of his most adorable traits, and we agree! Moosh's favorite treats are Churia Cat Treats, but in his spare time he loves catching bugs and seeing what those taste like, too. Moosh was adopted from a friend of his owner, and his family is so glad to have him!! He even has his own Instagram, @mini_moosh.
Thank you so much, Moosh, for being our pet of the month October!
Moosh is a very friendly and cuddly boy, who loves meeting new people and children. His small size also allows him to jump around like a bunny which his owner thinks is one of his most adorable traits, and we agree! Moosh's favorite treats are Churia Cat Treats, but in his spare time he loves catching bugs and seeing what those taste like, too. Moosh was adopted from a friend of his owner, and his family is so glad to have him!! He even has his own Instagram, @mini_moosh.
Thank you so much, Moosh, for being our pet of the month October!
August and September 2018

Our August and September Pets of the Month are so inseparable, we’re posting them together. Say hello to Addie and Karma! Addie is 6 year old short-hair dachshund and Karma is an 8 year old long-hair dachshund. The doxie sisters have been coming to Animal Hospital since 2010. Over their years, the girls have come to AHF for a variety of reason, but always seem to love the staff for all of the attention and care that they receive here! Both girls love spending time together, but Addie loves playing a little more than Karma, who, in her slightly older age, prefers lounging about the house. Their favorite treats are Pupperonis and Bacon Strips. Their family loves them because they are the sweetest, most loving, and kind girls, especially to their human little brother! Their family acquired Karma from a breeder, and Addie was rescued from Animal Friends of Lodi.
Thank you so much, Addie and Karma, for being our pets of the month for August and September!
Thank you so much, Addie and Karma, for being our pets of the month for August and September!
July 2018

Say hello to Tuxedo! He is a 7 and 1/2 year old Irish Wolfhound Mix, and has been coming to Animal Hospital since he was 6. Tuxedo is generally scared of most vets, but loves coming to the AHF because of all the love and attention he's received from the whole staff, plus all of the yummy treats!
Tuxedo's favorite activity is running at the Cordelia Community Park and making new friends. His favorite treats are boiled chicken and ice. His family thinks he is so special because he is the most polite dog in the world--before every meal he always gives his mom a look asking it it's ok for him to eat his food. Tuxedo's family acquired him after one of their family friend's dogs had puppies; he was the biggest pup in the litter!
Thank you so much, Tuxedo, for being our pet of the month for July!
Tuxedo's favorite activity is running at the Cordelia Community Park and making new friends. His favorite treats are boiled chicken and ice. His family thinks he is so special because he is the most polite dog in the world--before every meal he always gives his mom a look asking it it's ok for him to eat his food. Tuxedo's family acquired him after one of their family friend's dogs had puppies; he was the biggest pup in the litter!
Thank you so much, Tuxedo, for being our pet of the month for July!
June 2018

Say hello to Simba! He is a 5 year old orange tabby cat that has been coming to Animal Hospital since he was 3. He likes coming to the hospital because he feels so much better after his surgery in May and loves all of the hours of care and attention he's received from the whole staff!
Simba's favorite activity is cuddling with his mom and following her around the house to help with her chores. His favorite treats are Friskies chews. His family thinks he is so special because he is very loving, patient, and always likes to know what you are doing. Simba's family acquired him after his feral mother brought him and his litter-mates to their home, where his adoptive mother decided to keep and love him as her own.
Simba's favorite activity is cuddling with his mom and following her around the house to help with her chores. His favorite treats are Friskies chews. His family thinks he is so special because he is very loving, patient, and always likes to know what you are doing. Simba's family acquired him after his feral mother brought him and his litter-mates to their home, where his adoptive mother decided to keep and love him as her own.
May 2018

Meet Wilbur! He is a 4 and 1/2 year old English Bulldog that has been coming to Animal Hospital since April of 2014. Wilbur likes coming to visit because he always gets so much attention from the staff.
Wilbur's favorite activity is chasing the ball for food, and chewing on his leash while he's resting. His favorite treat is almost anything, but now he's on a special diet and can only eat that. His family thinks he's special because he's all bulldog--he has an extensive vocabulary of sounds--and everyone loves him so much. Wilbur was acquired through mom's daughter who talked her into raising him, so she drove to San Francisco and picked him up.
Wilbur's favorite activity is chasing the ball for food, and chewing on his leash while he's resting. His favorite treat is almost anything, but now he's on a special diet and can only eat that. His family thinks he's special because he's all bulldog--he has an extensive vocabulary of sounds--and everyone loves him so much. Wilbur was acquired through mom's daughter who talked her into raising him, so she drove to San Francisco and picked him up.
April 2018

Our April Pet of the Month is Sparky! He is approximately age 5, and was found wandering the streets of Marysville a little over 1 year ago. He loves everyone and is described as “an equal-opportunity lap dog.” He and his owner visit David Grant Hospital at Travis AFB and the Mariposa Care Home in Fairfield as a canine therapy team with Paws for Healing, and they love seeing the smiles they bring to the patients and staff! When he’s at home, Sparky likes to lay in sunny spots, tear around the house with his toys, and burrow under blankets to snooze. His owners were not originally looking to get a dog, but they say that they fell in love with his perky personality, and that Sparky has enriched their lives, as well as the lives of those he visits as a therapy dog.
March 2018

Meet Patus! He is a two-year-old cat. He has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield for about a month, and has already won us over. Patus' family acquired him from a family that was moving and couldn't take him along.
Mom can't really say what his favorite activity or treats are because he's been a little bit sick since he joined the family, but Mom does believe he’s getting better everyday. His new family thinks he’s special because he is a loving sweetheart and gives the best hugs. Mom says you can't help but fall in love with him. Thank you Patus, for being our pet of the month for March!
Mom can't really say what his favorite activity or treats are because he's been a little bit sick since he joined the family, but Mom does believe he’s getting better everyday. His new family thinks he’s special because he is a loving sweetheart and gives the best hugs. Mom says you can't help but fall in love with him. Thank you Patus, for being our pet of the month for March!
February 2018

Say hello to Sophie, or Pet of the Month for February! She is a German Shepherd and she is about 1 and 1/2 years old. She has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield for a little over a year now. Sophie's family says she likes to visit because she gets cheese as a treat.
Sophie's favorite activity is chasing birds, going to the dog park and hiking. Her favorite treat would have to be cheese. Her family thinks she's special because she is such a cuddle bear.
Thank you Sophie, for being our pet of the month for February!
Sophie's favorite activity is chasing birds, going to the dog park and hiking. Her favorite treat would have to be cheese. Her family thinks she's special because she is such a cuddle bear.
Thank you Sophie, for being our pet of the month for February!
January 2018

Meet Pandora! She is a 5 and 1/2 year old Maine Coon kitty and she has been coming to Animal Hospital for about 6 months. Pandora’s mom says she likes coming here because her brothers Cheeto and Jack told her how amazing it was.
Pandora's favorite activity is hissing at her brothers. Her favorite treats are temptations cat treats. Her family thinks she’s special because she has a beautiful lion cut and is far more ferocious with it.
Thank you Pandora, for being our pet of the month for the New Year!!
Pandora's favorite activity is hissing at her brothers. Her favorite treats are temptations cat treats. Her family thinks she’s special because she has a beautiful lion cut and is far more ferocious with it.
Thank you Pandora, for being our pet of the month for the New Year!!
December 2017

Meet Neco! He is a 5 month old miniature dachshund that has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since he was about 4 months old for his neuter pre-op. He likes coming to visit because of the care he receives. Mom acquired him from a rescue organization.
Neco's favorite activity is playing with cats. His favorite treats would have to be his sensitive stomach food. His family thinks he's special because he is a love, he enjoys all the petting he gets and he makes Mom laugh.
Thank you so much Neco, for being our pet of the month for December!
Neco's favorite activity is playing with cats. His favorite treats would have to be his sensitive stomach food. His family thinks he's special because he is a love, he enjoys all the petting he gets and he makes Mom laugh.
Thank you so much Neco, for being our pet of the month for December!
November 2017

Say hello to Lizzie!! She is an 8 year old domestic shorthair cat that has been coming to Animal Hospital since she adopted her from Mabrey, one of our other clients, at a Petsmart adoption event back in 2009.
Lizzie's favorite activity is sleeping on top of her mom. Her favorite treats are crunchy fish cat treats. Her family thinks she’s special because she can tell when Mom has had a hard day at work, and helps her relax.
Thank you so much Lizzie, for being our pet of the month for November!
Lizzie's favorite activity is sleeping on top of her mom. Her favorite treats are crunchy fish cat treats. Her family thinks she’s special because she can tell when Mom has had a hard day at work, and helps her relax.
Thank you so much Lizzie, for being our pet of the month for November!
October 2017

Meet Loki!! He is an almost 7 year old pitbull mix, and has been coming to Animal Hospital since he was about 4 months old. Loki likes coming to the hospital because Dr. Wolfe is very caring.
Loki's favorite activity is sunbathing and watching Game of Thrones. His favorite treats are milkbones and food from off the floor. Loki was adopted from a pitbull rescue in 2009; they adopted him so that their other dog had some company. His family thinks he's special because he is part of the family and he makes them all happy every day.
Thank you so much Loki, for being our pet of the month for October!
Loki's favorite activity is sunbathing and watching Game of Thrones. His favorite treats are milkbones and food from off the floor. Loki was adopted from a pitbull rescue in 2009; they adopted him so that their other dog had some company. His family thinks he's special because he is part of the family and he makes them all happy every day.
Thank you so much Loki, for being our pet of the month for October!
September 2017

Say hello to Wendy Girl, our September Pet of the Month! She is a 9 year old domestic shorthair cat who has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield for about 2 months.
Wendy Girl's favorite activity is laying out in the sun and cleaning herself. Her favorite treats are sweets and ice cream. She is special to her family because she was adopted from the shelter around the same time their son was born. Wendy Girl likes to visit the girls at Animal Hospital because they are very sweet and gentle with her.
Thank you so much Wendy Girl, for being our pet of the month for September!
Wendy Girl's favorite activity is laying out in the sun and cleaning herself. Her favorite treats are sweets and ice cream. She is special to her family because she was adopted from the shelter around the same time their son was born. Wendy Girl likes to visit the girls at Animal Hospital because they are very sweet and gentle with her.
Thank you so much Wendy Girl, for being our pet of the month for September!
August 2017

Say hello to Millie! She is a 1 year 7 month old miniature poodle and has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since she was only 12 weeks old, right after she was adopted. Mom and Dad, however, have been regular clients since 1979!
Millie's favorite activity is standing guard dog at the front window, her daily walks and playing fetch. Her favorite treats are Milk Bones and trail mix. She is special to her family because she was rescued from Pits R Us. Millie keeps the household on their toes, and sometimes mom thinks she’s a toddler in a dog costume.
Thank you so much Millie, for being our pet of the month for August!
Millie's favorite activity is standing guard dog at the front window, her daily walks and playing fetch. Her favorite treats are Milk Bones and trail mix. She is special to her family because she was rescued from Pits R Us. Millie keeps the household on their toes, and sometimes mom thinks she’s a toddler in a dog costume.
Thank you so much Millie, for being our pet of the month for August!
July 2017

Meet Piper!! She is a 10 month old calico cat that has been coming to Animal Hospital since she was 9 weeks old. Piper hates riding in the car, but loves to get out and come to the hospital.
Piper's favorite activity is playing with loud toys. Her favorite treats are salmon flavored Greenies.
Her family thinks she’s special because she’s a second generation alley cat with royal blood lines. Pipers mother gave Mr. Boulden his first two kittens; her older sister Pepper actually passed from lily poisoning. In the next litter they adopted Piper, and even though she’s different she makes her older brother very happy.
Thank you so much Piper, for being our pet of the month for July!
Piper's favorite activity is playing with loud toys. Her favorite treats are salmon flavored Greenies.
Her family thinks she’s special because she’s a second generation alley cat with royal blood lines. Pipers mother gave Mr. Boulden his first two kittens; her older sister Pepper actually passed from lily poisoning. In the next litter they adopted Piper, and even though she’s different she makes her older brother very happy.
Thank you so much Piper, for being our pet of the month for July!
June 2017

Say hello to Tiffany!! She is a 7 month old Yorkshire terrier puppy that has been coming to Animal Hospital since she was 11 weeks old. She likes coming to the hospital because she loves all the girls here. Mom says they are so sweet and friendly with her, and she loves all of the attention!
Tiffany's favorite activity is cuddling and playing ball with her daddy. Her favorite treats are Blue Bites. Her family thinks she's so special because she's a sweet and caring puppy. Tiffany’s family acquired her from a local breeder.
Thank you so much Tiffany, for being our pet of the month for June!
Tiffany's favorite activity is cuddling and playing ball with her daddy. Her favorite treats are Blue Bites. Her family thinks she's so special because she's a sweet and caring puppy. Tiffany’s family acquired her from a local breeder.
Thank you so much Tiffany, for being our pet of the month for June!
May 2017

Meet Cheeto!! He is a 6 month old domestic shorthair kitty and has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since February, but mom has been coming to the hospital for over a year.
Cheeto's favorite treat is tuna and his favorite activity is playing with his wand, or his big brother. His family thinks Cheeto is special because he gets along great with the other cat in the house, and even though he had a rough start, he is very sweet with everyone.
Thank you so much Cheeto, for being our pet of the month for May 2017!!
Cheeto's favorite treat is tuna and his favorite activity is playing with his wand, or his big brother. His family thinks Cheeto is special because he gets along great with the other cat in the house, and even though he had a rough start, he is very sweet with everyone.
Thank you so much Cheeto, for being our pet of the month for May 2017!!
April 2017

Meet Kobe! He is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi that has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since his owners added him to their family. He loves to see our staff, and we love to see his happy face! One of Kobe’s favorite activities is to play fetch, and once he works up an appetite he loves to eat his favorite bacon treats. His owners say he is quite the character and happens to be their first dog! He was found on Craigslist from a local breeder.
Thank you so much Kobe for being our pet of the month for April 2017!
February 2017

Meet Chiquita! She is an almost 7 year old chihuahua who has been a patient of Animal Hospital for a little over a year, although mom has been a client since 1998. The reason that Chiquita's mom likes to bring her here is because of the empathy shown by the staff and doctors.
Chiquita's favorite treats are DentaStix and her favorite activity is sleeping. Her owner thinks she's special because she is used as a therapy dog--she visits abused children at the D.A.'s office before they have to be interviewed.
Thank you so much Chiquita, for being our pet of the month for February 2017!
Chiquita's favorite treats are DentaStix and her favorite activity is sleeping. Her owner thinks she's special because she is used as a therapy dog--she visits abused children at the D.A.'s office before they have to be interviewed.
Thank you so much Chiquita, for being our pet of the month for February 2017!
January 2017

Meet Sadie! She is a domestic shorthair cat and has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield for 10 years! Sadie doesn’t enjoy coming to the hospital very much, only because when she does visit it means something is wrong or she is sick.
Sadie’s favorite treats are soft chewy snacks! Her favorite activity is sleeping. Sadie’s owner rescued her about 10 years ago, but her owner really thinks she rescued her. She is always by her owner’s side, especially when they are not feeling well. Her owner says, “If Sadie could talk, she'd want to remind everyone to adopt older kitties too. She was an older cat when we adopted her and she has truly been the sweetest addition to our family.”
Thank you so much Sadie, for being our pet of the month for January 2017!
Sadie’s favorite treats are soft chewy snacks! Her favorite activity is sleeping. Sadie’s owner rescued her about 10 years ago, but her owner really thinks she rescued her. She is always by her owner’s side, especially when they are not feeling well. Her owner says, “If Sadie could talk, she'd want to remind everyone to adopt older kitties too. She was an older cat when we adopted her and she has truly been the sweetest addition to our family.”
Thank you so much Sadie, for being our pet of the month for January 2017!
December 2016

Meet Nanook! He is a Japanese Akita and is almost 3 years old. Nanook has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since July of this year and has had many visits since then to monitor his weight loss/gain. He loves coming to visit all of his girlfriends (Dr. Stambaugh and the vet techs.)
Nanook's favorite treats would have to be the Z/D prescription diet he has been prescribed by the doctor. He loves to carry his toys around when visitors come over and he will greet them at the door with them. Nanook also loves to watch TV, specifically My Little Pony. Nanook is very special because he is the baby of the family.
Thank you so much Nanook, for being our pet of the month for December!
Nanook's favorite treats would have to be the Z/D prescription diet he has been prescribed by the doctor. He loves to carry his toys around when visitors come over and he will greet them at the door with them. Nanook also loves to watch TV, specifically My Little Pony. Nanook is very special because he is the baby of the family.
Thank you so much Nanook, for being our pet of the month for December!
November 2016

Meet Charley! He is a domestic shorthair grey kitty and is almost 6 years old. Charley has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since February of 2012.
Charley’s favorite treats are Temptations and his favorite activity is lying out in the sun. Charley is so special because he came back from a very serious illness and is now back to normal and thriving. Charley’s owners acquired him when he showed up as a feral in their backyard.
Thank you so much Charley, for being our November 2016 pet of the month!
Charley’s favorite treats are Temptations and his favorite activity is lying out in the sun. Charley is so special because he came back from a very serious illness and is now back to normal and thriving. Charley’s owners acquired him when he showed up as a feral in their backyard.
Thank you so much Charley, for being our November 2016 pet of the month!
October 2016

Our pet of the month for October is Nemo. He is a 5 month old fawn pug. Nemo has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since July of this year, when he started his puppy package. The puppy package covers all of his puppy preventative care, so we get to see his cute face frequently! He loves coming to visit because everyone gives him so much love and treats.
Nemo's favorite snack is broccoli, and his favorite activity is playing tug-o-war with his family. Nemo is so special because he loves everyone, even cats. His family adopted him from craigslist.com.
Thank you so much Nemo for being our pet of the month for October!
Nemo's favorite snack is broccoli, and his favorite activity is playing tug-o-war with his family. Nemo is so special because he loves everyone, even cats. His family adopted him from craigslist.com.
Thank you so much Nemo for being our pet of the month for October!
September 2016

Our Pet of the Month for September is Willy! He is around 5 years old and is an orange domestic shorthair cat. Willy has been coming to Animal Hospital n Fairfield for about 3 and 1/2 years. He loves coming here because he gets so much attention; he is never shy!
Willy’s favorite treat USED to be spaghetti, but now he has to be on a special prescription diet for his bladder. He loves being able to run all over the place—Mom says that’s his favorite activity. Willy is so special because he loves everyone, even strangers. He likes to play, explore, and find trouble all night long. Willy was adopted from the SPCA—he had already been adopted once and returned because he was urinating on the bed, but it turns out he was just sucking on blankets when he slept and causing wet spots.
Thank you so much Willy got being September’s Pet of the Month!
Willy’s favorite treat USED to be spaghetti, but now he has to be on a special prescription diet for his bladder. He loves being able to run all over the place—Mom says that’s his favorite activity. Willy is so special because he loves everyone, even strangers. He likes to play, explore, and find trouble all night long. Willy was adopted from the SPCA—he had already been adopted once and returned because he was urinating on the bed, but it turns out he was just sucking on blankets when he slept and causing wet spots.
Thank you so much Willy got being September’s Pet of the Month!
August 2016

Our pet of the month for August is Zeus! He is an 11 month old Rottweiler. His owners have been bringing him in since he was 8 weeks old for routine puppy vaccinations. He loves coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield because he gets lots of attention from the staff and he enjoys his special treats! Zeus’s favorite treats are peanut butter and carrots. His owners say that his favorite activity is playing all day. Zeus is really special because he is very loving; he likes to give kisses and is super smart! Thank you Zeus for being our pet of the month for August!
July 2016

Meet Coco, our Pet of the Month for July! Coco is a very energetic English Bull Terrier, and her owners got her from a breeder. They have been bringing Coco to Animal Hospital since January, 2016, when she started her puppy shots. The staff always smile when they see that Coco is coming in for a visit, and she loves the staff as well. In fact, her owners say she loves everyone, people and animals! Her favorite activities are playing fetch and retrieving, and her favorite treats are salmon treats.
Thank you Coco for being our Pet of the Month!
Thank you Coco for being our Pet of the Month!
June 2016
Our Pet of the Month for June is Gus Gus! He is an almost 10 year old gray and white kitty. His owners have been bringing him to Animal Hospital since he was just a baby. He enjoys his visits to the clinic and is always such a well-behaved patient.
His favorite activity is sleeping, and his owners most like his lovable nature. They adopted him from their granddaughter and they are very happy to have him as a part of the family. Thank you Gus Gus for being our Pet of the Month!
His favorite activity is sleeping, and his owners most like his lovable nature. They adopted him from their granddaughter and they are very happy to have him as a part of the family. Thank you Gus Gus for being our Pet of the Month!
May 2016

Meet miss Molly! She is a 9 year old Yorkshire Terrier! Molly has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since April of 2007. She loves the fact that she receives genuine love and affection from all of the doctors and staff here at AHF.
Molly's favorite snacks are Chicky Treats! Her favorite activity is showing her owners the utmost affection and love. Molly loves lying on her tummy and getting hugs. Molly came from a breeder and when her family came to see her, they instantly fell in love!
Thank you so much, Molly, for being our May 2016 Pet of the Month!
Molly's favorite snacks are Chicky Treats! Her favorite activity is showing her owners the utmost affection and love. Molly loves lying on her tummy and getting hugs. Molly came from a breeder and when her family came to see her, they instantly fell in love!
Thank you so much, Molly, for being our May 2016 Pet of the Month!
April 2016

Say hello to Nala! She is a 9 month old Pit Bull! Nala has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since August 2015 for her routine puppy vaccines and dewormings. She loves visiting the staff because everyone is so friendly and they take good care of her!
Nala's favorite treats are fresh green beans, carrots, and chicken! Her favorite activity is playing with her red bal!! She is so special because she greets her family at the door after a long day of work with a wagging tail. Nala just wants to play and give love. She is a great stress reliever, loves cuddling, and being near you. Nala's family acquired her when their son brought her home!
Thank you so much, Nala, for being April 2016's Pet of the month!
Nala's favorite treats are fresh green beans, carrots, and chicken! Her favorite activity is playing with her red bal!! She is so special because she greets her family at the door after a long day of work with a wagging tail. Nala just wants to play and give love. She is a great stress reliever, loves cuddling, and being near you. Nala's family acquired her when their son brought her home!
Thank you so much, Nala, for being April 2016's Pet of the month!
March 2016

Meet Monty! He is a Domestic Medium Hair, Grey kitty and about 13 years old. Monty has been coming to animal Hospital in Fairfield since 2006, before Dr. Cole even came along. Monty is a very sweet kitty and doesn't ever mind visiting the doctors and staff here.
Monty was found on a boat when he was only 2 years old. Ms. Turner adopted Monty and now he has an amazing home! His favorite treats are Temptations. He is so special because he lights up his mom's life and he is the only cat she has ever had that likes to play fetch!
Thank you so much, Monty, for being our Pet of the Month for March.
Monty was found on a boat when he was only 2 years old. Ms. Turner adopted Monty and now he has an amazing home! His favorite treats are Temptations. He is so special because he lights up his mom's life and he is the only cat she has ever had that likes to play fetch!
Thank you so much, Monty, for being our Pet of the Month for March.
February 2016

Say Hello to Peso! He is a miniature schnauzer and only 5 months old. Peso has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since November 2015 for his routine puppy vaccines and dewormings. He loves visiting the staff because everyone is always so happy to see him!
Peso's favorite treats are Wellness puppy treats! Everyone finds Peso so special because he brought happiness and love into his new family's home with all of his puppy energy. Peso was acquired from a Southern California miniature schnauzer breeder. His family drove all the way down to Riverside, CA to pick him up.
Thank you so much, Peso, for being our Pet of the Month for February 2016!
Peso's favorite treats are Wellness puppy treats! Everyone finds Peso so special because he brought happiness and love into his new family's home with all of his puppy energy. Peso was acquired from a Southern California miniature schnauzer breeder. His family drove all the way down to Riverside, CA to pick him up.
Thank you so much, Peso, for being our Pet of the Month for February 2016!
January 2016

Say hello to Lando! He is a Patterdale Terrier and about 4years old. Lando has been coming to Animal Hospital in Fairfield since March of 2013!
Lando was acquired through a breeder. He is so special because he loves to snuggle, loves to take his fish oil capsule as treats, he has the ability to make even the meanest person in the room smile.
Thank you, Lando, for being the New Year's Pet of the Month!
Lando was acquired through a breeder. He is so special because he loves to snuggle, loves to take his fish oil capsule as treats, he has the ability to make even the meanest person in the room smile.
Thank you, Lando, for being the New Year's Pet of the Month!